A Pomodoro Timer (Apple Vision Pro)



An app i’ve been working on this summer, well since the VisionOS SDK first came out in July 2023. Now live on the App Store! ๐Ÿ“ฒ

The pomodoro method has been gaining popularity in the last couple of decades. In short Pomodoros are 25minute increments of work, spaced out by a 5 minute break,

It’s a nice way to track one’s time and get things done in regular small chunks of time.

๐Ÿ… While working on the Vision Pro i wanted something a little bit more engaging than a clock to track my pomodoros, so i built a little tomato timer, that spins in 3d as your pomodoro counts down.

Introducing “A Pomodoro Timer” ๐Ÿ…!

An exciting new Pomodoro timer, designed exclusively for Apple Vision Pro! Experience the power of the Pomodoro technique, now in an immersive spatial environment!

An exciting new Pomodoro timer – based on the original tomato timer! Featuring a spatial tomato-timer that sits and spins conveniently besides you in full 3D. Providing you an accurate and easy to read measure of how long is left on your timer.

1. Utilise built in increments aligned with the Pomodoro method to:

– Time your work in 25 minute increments

– Time your breaks in 10 or 5 minute increments

2. Featuring a built in clock so that you can easily see how long you have left!

3. Easily hide the controls by clicking on the tomato so that you are left with a seamless experience featuring just your timer and a countdown.

4. Dynamically resize your pomodoro timer to fill your space or hide away in the corner.

5. A light alarm plays to gently alert you when your time is complete!


